During an Emergency 15th District PTA Board Meeting that took place in then-president Heather Wampler’s basement on Sunday, March 5, 2017, Adam Kesler (now deceased) informed the 17 PTA officers in attendance that he received a letter from JCPS Principal Maria Holmes, which he presented as “evidence” to support his motion to remove me from the 15th District PTA Board.
Near the end of the meeting, I asked Mr. Kesler how he received this letter from Ms. Holmes, and if it was via email, to which he responded in the affirmative. A 49-minute recording of the meeting can be heard at that link.
Ahead of the meeting, after being informed about an email the Maupin principal had sent about my involvement at that PTA meeting, I made an open records request. This was on February 28, 2017. I requested they provide whatever they could find ahead of the Sunday meeting.
I received two replies. The later, more comprehensive one is shown.
Below is that file, in its entirety. If a letter had indeed been sent to from Principal Holmes to Adam Kesler, it should have been there.
17-0750b AdelmannIn preparation for a meeting with Dr. Pollio two years later, I made an additional, more detailed, request in June of 2019.