BOOM! Blast from the past. This was 2019-2020. We have REPEATEDLY told district leaders to listen to the impacted stakeholders, when they OBVIOUSLY didn’t. But that’s not even the worst of it.
Prior to last summer’s revelations about two current JCPS employees (the Stoner twins) and their alleged transgressions against Sexual Abuse Victims at the Hands Of JCPS Staff, we provided evidence to district leaders regarding students and adults who were involved in possible felonious activities (including images of references to sex trafficking (“Sugar-Daddies” and overnight trips out of town), drug use on campus, bullying, death threats, alcohol and sexual solicitation of students by staff, and more) involving 23 students at DuPont Manual High School/Youth Performing Arts School. Those images, which had been posted on social media by said students, had been shared with the school’s principal during the Spring of 2019 to no avail.
The mother of one of the students involved (who is also a mandatory reporter) reported the incidents to the Dr. Pollio via email in May. Her email was ignored for two days and finally forwarded by his assistant (who was not copied on the initial email) to the Assistant Superintendent, Glen Baete. After months of denial, counter-attacks, runarounds, and appearances of collaboration by those responsible for taking action, including outside policing agencies.
By November, after the concerned and vilified mother felt she had exhausted all avenues, she contacted us, and we took these concerns to Dr. Pollio on December 4. Her attorney was even present and whistleblower protections were raised.
This board speech was from January, 2020. There is so much more here than what appears on the surface. In addition to the concerns raised during the 3-minute speech, we also handed each of the Board Members a folder containing some highly sensitive information about 23 Manual student victims, and a handful of staff, who were also implicated.
It’s a real shame, looking back, that it would appear the district administration’s failure to heed these and other warnings, as well as their refusal to adequately investigate and address root cause issues such as these, have contributed to the current state of affairs in JCPS. But adults in charge repeatedly turning a blind eye to reports of criminal behaviors committed by their colleagues is especially concerning, since this pattern and practice is pervasive in the #JCPSIndependentAudit we are currently working on.
Because we recognize the seriousness of the allegations that are being made here, we are willing to share a recording of that meeting with LEGITIMATE AND SERIOUS FEDERAL AUTHORITIES WITH ABILITY TO INDICT, upon request. (We have wasted enough time with state and local authorities.) A redacted copy, to protect the victims, may be made available to the public at a later date, as time and labor permit.
A link to those related folder contents, which are part of JCPS BOE official minutes, can be found in the comments. The redaction was done by JCPS, not us. This is how these selected records exist in their unaltered state. Don’t shoot the messenger!