Principal Desirability Survey

Sharing upon request by study author. Characters are fictional. Survey is not affiliated with JCPS.

To What Degree Does the Demographics of Schools Predict Perceptions of Principal Desirability: A Study Utilizing Conjoint Analysis

Dear Evaluator:
You are being invited to complete the attached online survey examining the impact that innate psychological processes could have on immediate perceptions of principal desirability. There are no reasonably foreseeable risks associated with your participation in this research study. Your participation may or may not benefit you directly. However, the information learned in this study may be helpful to others. The data you provide will assist in determining if innate psychological processes could have an impact on school principal selection. The questionnaire will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and may be completed online at a location of your choosing. Your completed survey will be stored on a private computer utilizing a private internet network. Individuals from School of Education/Bellarmine University the Bellarmine University Institutional Review Board may inspect these records. In all other respects, however, the data will be held in confidence to the extent permitted by law. Should the data be published, your identity will not be disclosed. Although absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed, confidentiality will be protected to the extent permitted by law.100 percent confidentiality cannot be guaranteed with any online data collection.

Please remember that your participation in this study is voluntary. By submitting the attached survey, you are voluntarily agreeing to participate. You are free to decline to answer any particular question that may make you feel uncomfortable, or which may render you prosecutable under law. Participation is not mandatory; you may refuse to participate without incurring any penalty. Further, your provided identifiable private information or biospecimens collected as part of this research, even if identifiers are removed, will not be used or distributed for future research studies. Should the data from this research be published, your identity will not be revealed.

You acknowledge that all your present questions have been answered in language you can understand. If you have any questions about the study, please contact Kristie O’Bannon at 502-938-5820. If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject, you may call the Institutional Review Board (IRB) office at 502-272-7963. You will be given the opportunity to discuss any questions about your rights as a research subject, in confidence, with a member of the committee. This is an independent committee composed of members of the University community and lay members of the community not connected with this institution. The IRB has reviewed this study.

Kristie O’Bannon

Principal Desirability Survey Link Here

Official Survey Letter:


Click here to complete the Survey.