They Shoot Messengers, Don’t They?

Just look at Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Eric Snowden.

Whistleblowers who exposed U.S. war crimes that were being covered up. (WARNING GRAPHIC)

But what about the actual war criminals? What about those who actively sought (and still seek) to cover it up? Was anything ever done to those who gleefully murdered innocent reporters and children? Don’t their families deserve justice? What about them?

Our government-elite-controlled, taxpayer-funded police state has wasted no time making life difficult for those who exercised their supposedly Constitutionally protected-rights as whistleblowers. They have been falsely accused of treasonous acts by the very war criminals they sought to expose.

Snowden has been granted asylum in Russia, while Julian sits in a cell in a high-security prison in the UK. Here’s a recent update on the Wikileaks founder, whose health is beginning to fail while he awaits news on possible extradition.

Duncan Campbell of the Guardian, asks,

Which is the more serious criminal activity: extrajudicial killings, routine torture of prisoners and illegal renditions carried out by a state, or exposing those actions by publishing illegally leaked details of how, where, when and by whom they were committed?

Whether it’s LMPD and the ongoing crimes and coverups (and those are just the ones we know about), or JCPS and the administration’s and school board’s unwillingness to even investigate victims of duPont Manual’s protected sexual predators, such as the most recent cases of the Stoner Twins (and these aren’t even all we know about), we’ve got our own share of whistles to blow, but what happens to those who risk everything to stop an injustice? 

Sign up for updates to our blog as we explore answers to these questions and more as part of Department of the People (DOP) audit of JCPS. Pay close attention to what these criminals try to do to those who expose them.
