This is an email that was sent to @JCPSKY board chair @BradyJCPSBOE Chris Brady by a Maupin parent.
Mr. Brady,
I realize you’re expected to vote on the discontinuation of the Waldorf model at the next board meeting. I want you to know that the district has already taken steps to discontinue it, and now they are asking for you to rubber stamp what they’ve done. There are two examples of SBDM violations where they did the same thing to us. One where they decided to go from K-5 to K-2 without SBDM input. Another where they decided not to use the waiver we received from the state. The district made this decision in September when Hargens sent a letter to KDE, but the SBDM didn’t vote on it until November. This school of innovation was passed unanimously by the board, but has been riddled with poor execution and lack of support since day one.
The promises with regards to communications and expectations with incoming families, with recruiting across the district to bring in families who want this style of teaching, to change the student mix to “reset” the school. None of this ever happened. We have now lost our SBDM because school and district leadership that went around our council, so of course they’re going to be considered ineffective by state auditors, who by the way seemed to not understand Waldorf style, nor the fact that we were in our first year of SOI when the scores that triggered the audit came about. We were held responsible for the prior school’s scores. And we were lied to about an appeals process, because they didn’t WANT us involved. And now they’re lying to you. There is a reason Hargens is leaving. Please give us the chance we deserve. The one we never got under her failed leadership. Give us one more year to demonstrate that this program can work.
Very Respectfully,
Mrs. Shanna M. Miller

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