JCPS School Board Central – 2022 Edition

Four of the seven JCPS Board of Education seats are up for grabs this November. If you’ve been thinking you would like to see things done differently in JCPS, this may be your chance to find someone to run for school board in your district, or maybe even file to run yourself!

The seats that are open this November are the ones currently held by Diane Porter, James Craig, Linda Duncan and Corrie Shull. Their bios can be found here. As of the date of this page’s publishing, only James Craig (District 3, incumbent) and Matthew Singleton (District 5, Linda Duncan’s seat) have filed to run in November. 

Qualifications: Must be at least 24 years of age, a citizen of Kentucky for at least 3 years preceding the election, a voter of the district for which he is elected, completed at least the 12th grade or has been issued a GED certificate or has received a high school diploma in the external diploma program, and files an affidavit certifying completion of the 12th grade or the equivalent with his nominating petition AND
files a transcript evidencing completion of the 12th grade or results of a 12th grade equivalency
examination. The candidate must not hold any elective federal, state, county, or city office; or
at the time of election is directly or indirectly interested in the sale to the board of services,
supplies, or equipment purchased with school funds, nor has been removed from a board of
education for cause, nor has a relative employed by the school district.

Filing fee: $20

Deadline: June 7 at 4 PM

Forms can be downloaded here. You will need a transcript evidencing completion of the twelfth grade or results of a twelfth grade equivalency examination, as well as the signatures of two registered voters who live in the district.

Visit to find out which district you live in. If you might be interested in running, or want to nominate someone to run, please complete the form below. We will follow up with additional information.

School Board Interest Form

If you are considering running for school board, please complete this form.
  • How did you hear about this opportunity?
  • Four school board seats are up in 2022. They are District 1, 3, 5 and 6. The remaining three will be up in 2024. You can locate your school board member at
  • If you are nominating someone besides yourself, please provide their name, contact info in this box and the reason you think they would make a good candidate in the Reason for Running box. Otherwise, skip this question.
  • Please briefly explain some of the reasons you are considering running for JCPS school board.
  • Briefly describe your JCPS experience, the schools your children have attended, roles you've served in, etc.