Become an Organizer

The letter below is sent to prospective organizers. This is the group of our most active members and will be restricted to 100 people who meet our criteria and are willing to sign our letter of commitment. Once our membership goals have been met, this group will have the ability to vote on which projects the group will support going forward.

Dear (Name):

Welcome! Thank you for your interest in becoming an organizer for Dear JCPS. Organizers are a select group of individuals who come from our membership and are well-informed and active on issues related to public education and the position of the organization. Organizers play a critical role because they determine the policy and direction of Dear JCPS.

Dear JCPS spawned from a small group of parents, teachers, students, alumni and community leaders who came together to advocate for students in a high poverty school in Louisville, KY in the fall of 2013. As the district continued to make decisions that did not seem to take into account stakeholder feedback, and no forum to communicate those concerns to board members and decision makers existed, a need for an organization such as Dear JCPS grew stronger and more necessary. During the summer of 2015, as more stakeholders attempted to share concerns regarding the defunding of the Challenger Learning Center, Dear JCPS was formed as an organization and by Jan, 2016, we had over 5,000 members and supporters.

Dear JCPS advocates for strong and adequately funded public schools in the JCPS school district and the state of Kentucky, as well as equitable access to quality education for all. Membership is open to anyone who supports our mission. Our members live in every cluster in the district, including cities, suburbs, and rural areas. They are parents, teachers, students, elected officials, and public education supporters.

Members who agree to our Vision Statement and are also willing to sign our Letter of Commitment, are eligible to become an organizer. Upon completion, applicants will be contacted to participate in a brief training and interview.

If you are online and haven’t done so already, please like Dear JCPS on Facebook. Because we post articles several times a day, you will find this is a great way to stay informed. You can also follow us on Twitter @Dear_JCPS.

Welcome and thank you for volunteering. Please let us know how we can help you.


Gay Adelmann

Erin Korbylo