Superintendent’s Evaluation Form

There are seven standards:

Strategic Leadership
Instructional Leadership
Cultural Leadership
Human Resource Leadership
Managerial Leadership
Collaborative Leadership
Influential Leadership

For each standard, you are asked to evaluate the performance level and provide evidence or comments. 

Performance Level Definitions:

Exemplary: Exceeds the standard
Accomplished: Meets the standard
Developing: Makes growth toward meeting the standard
Growth Required: Area(s) required to be addressed in the Professional Growth Plan


Please provide a paragraph or two with examples or “evidence” of the performance levels you are giving to the Superintendent. For example, “Dr. Hargens’ cultural leadership is rated Growth Required because the culture of JCPS is one of fear, mistrust and toxicity. Some examples are when …”

Last year’s evaluation can be found here: June 22, 2015

The current “evidence” can be found here.

Step 1 of 8

  • 1. Strategic Leadership

    The superintendent creates conditions that result in strategically reimaging the district’s vision, mission and goals to ensure that every student who graduates from high school is globally competitive in postsecondary education and the workforce, and is prepared for life in the 21st century.

    The superintendent creates a community of inquiry that challenges the community to continually repurpose itself by building on the district’s core values and beliefs about the preferred future and then developing a vision.