Accountability, Admin, Budget, Vision: 2020

“Community Advisory Team” ORR Response

The following email was received from JCPS Communications in response to a series of questions (in bold) from a member of the community.

From: Brislin, Jennifer F. <>
Date: Mon, May 9, 2016 at 6:29 PM
Subject: OPEN RECORDS REQUEST: Information and public records request
To: “XXX” (Redacted for privacy)
Cc: “Horne, Steph” <>

Good evening,

I wanted to follow up with you on your request for records and information regarding the recent classification and compensation analysis, which was forwarded to my office for a response.

When was the CAT formed? How were applications solicited or if not by application, who participated in the selection of the members.
The Community Advisory Team (CAT) was assembled in early February 2016 for the purpose of reviewing the consultant’s report and discussing the necessary steps to present the information. This was an informal group; members were invited to participate by Tom Hudson, chief business officer for Jefferson County Public Schools.

Pursuant to KRS 61.872, Please provide all dates of meetings of the CAT, information provided to them and notices of meetings since, as I understand it, these committee meetings were public meetings in compliance with Kentucky’s Open Meetings law.
The CAT met on April 1, 2016. This was not a meeting of a group as defined by the Kentucky Open Meetings Law.

Pursuant to KRS 61.872 Please provide minutes or, even better, transcripts or recordings of all meeting in which any CAT member participated in which the compensation information was reviewed or discussed.
There are no minutes or recordings of this meeting.

How were the comparative districts selected? I would like to assume that the comparators face the same challenges as JCPS does with respect to poverty and homelessness. Is that an accurate statement based on the information the Board was provided and upon what information did you rely in reaching that conclusion?
In terms of district selection, the consultants used their knowledge of comparison districts, Auditor Edelen’s study and advice from the hiring team. As you can see from the study, 6 of the 10 districts that were compared were our own benchmark districts. JCPS is reviewing internally to determine if the district wants to revisit some of the districts that were compared. In addition, Mr. Hudson has indicated that he’s requested a more detailed explanation from the consultants about the algorithms and methodologies used in the district-to-district comparison, and he will be happy to share that information when it’s received.

Why were there only administrators on the panel and no classroom teachers or certified staff?
Why were there no community members or parents of JCPS students who are of more modest means on the panel? How could there be no people of color on the panel who were not also administration employees? What was the alleged expertise of the various panel members? I like Mr. Smith but his expertise is in combating unions -not in education and I am pretty sure his children attended private schools and not JCPS. In any event, they would have attended many years ago and so his experience as a JCPS parent would likely be of marginal relevance. The other attorney represents the District Board in litigation – certainly he cannot provide an impartial view. If he participated merely to ensure the committee did not run afoul of the law I would like to see documentation that he did not participate in any votes or other decision making, pursuant to the Kentucky Open Records law.

For this initial review of the salary study, Mr. Hudson sought expertise and advice from individuals with a broad range of experience in legal, financial and human resource matters. Members included:

•Tiffeny Armour, Director of Human Resources, JCPS
•Roger Cude, Senior VP of Human Resources, Humana
•Attorney Mark Fenzel, Middleton Reutlinger
•Dr. Rita Greer, former Director of Human Resources, JCPS
•Chuck Haddaway, Board Member, JCPS
•Cordelia Hardin, CFO, JCPS
•Donna Hargens, Superintendent, JCPS
•Dr. Blake Haselton, Superintendent in Residence, U of L
•Tom Hudson, CBO, JCPS
•Allison Martin, Chief Communications and Community Relations Officer JCPS
•Angie Moorin –Finance Work Group Member
•Tom Quick, VP of Human Resources, General Electric Appliances
•Attorney Jim Smith, Smith and Smith Attorneys

Intentionally, this group was kept small with the understanding that representatives of all constituencies would be at the table and able to weigh in once the study was presented to the Board and to the public. We intend to study this over the next year, giving JCPS time to meet with impacted parties, hear concerns from all sides and negotiate with the unions. We want and need your feedback.

I would like a copy of all drafts or versions of the report of the Management Advisory Group which was received by JCPS. This includes the earlier draft which was sent back in early 201 5. The PDF of the document appears to have been removed from the JCPS website.
The final report is now available at The final report is 1,098 pages; you may also inspect a copy of the report at my office in the VanHoose Education Center, 3332 Newburg Road, during regular business hours. If you wish to take a copy of the report with you, it is available at a cost of 10 cents per page, or $109.80. If you are unable to come to the office, we can mail you the report; regular copy charges of $109.80 plus postage charges will apply.

No draft of the report is available. Pursuant to KRS 61.878(1)[(i)-(j)], “Preliminary drafts, notes, correspondence with private individuals, other than correspondence which is intended to give notice of final action of a public agency; (and) Preliminary recommendations, and preliminary memoranda in which opinions are expressed or policies formulated or recommended” are exempt from disclosure.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Deputy Communications Director
Jefferson County Public Schools
3332 Newburg Road
Louisville, KY 40218
Office: 502.485.3551
Cell: 502.744-7478

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