This post is a work in progress. We are putting together a list of key #Louminati articles that were released, in the order they were released. We will soon be updating this post with our interpretation of how these stories fit in to the big picture.
First, a reminder of the Hargens, Jones and Hudson trifecta.
Secret Christiansen Report, Commissioned by Tom Hudson, Conducted by “friend” of Tom Hudson, Never Before Seen By JCPS Board, Parents, Public, KDE – Oct. 31, 2016
Not sure what prompted this guy to have an opinion about public schools in Jefferson county, considering he’s been here less than two years. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that he receives funding and support from a group of Libertarians tied to the Kochs, and Art Laffer. But it shouldn’t be surprising. Everyone and their dog has an opinion about how to fix schools they’ve never set foot in or supported in decades, all based on tired stereotypes and assumptions.State takeover is the last best hope to save JCPS | Opinion – Jordan Harris, Contributing Columnist – Published 10:21 a.m. ET – Nov. 21, 2017
Perhaps the timing of the meddling done by Hudson and Harris, et al., was an attempt to interfere with the efforts of our democratically elected school board from naming a permanent superintendent?
Not SCALA, but many of these same players, #Norquist19, or their partners and donors/donees, are involved in tearing down the public employees’ pension plan.
I don’t disagree with a lot of the beginning of this piece. However, the leap that is made to justify SCALA meddling is dangerous and misinformed. When I attempted to contact the reporter to help him understand, I was asked to do his work for him. He never responded to my invitation to witness the work first hand. –>
“Applauding a possible move by the state to take over JCPS shows a naivety about the uniqueness of JCPS compared to the rest of the state and is a disheartening stance from these otherwise experienced and intelligent movers and shakers.”Fixing JCPS can’t occur without transparency and community unity | Opinion – Dee Pregliasco, Opinion contributor – Published 1:01 p.m. ET Feb. 17, 2018