Color me perplexed, puzzled. Over the last several months, we have read article after article regarding the sad state of affairs with JCPS. Some of it is deplorable, some stunning, none flattering. Yet [on Thursday] you endorsed someone who has been on the board and not acted to stem the continuing flow of bad decisions which have had such a negative impact on our youngest and most vulnerable citizens. There is a reason that so many current and former employees have endorsed Chris Kolb for the District 2 seat on the board. When the paid employees of this organization do not support the current administration, it is time to sit up and take notice. Below are just some of the 50,000 union workers who are asking for a change:
- The Fairness Campaign (C-FAIR)
- The Greater Louisville Central Labor Council (includes the Jefferson County Teachers Association) View Press Release
- Service Employees International Union (SEIU 32BJ/SEIU) View Press Release
- Rep. Mary Lou Marzian, District 34 View Press Release
- Rep. Jim Wayne, District 35
- Rep. Joni Jenkins
- Councilman David James, District 6
- Teamsters Local 783 (Bus Drivers) View Press Release
- Teamsters Local 89
- Stand Up Sunday/Black Lives Matter
- Retired JCPS School Board Chair Steve Imhoff
- Jefferson County Association of Educational Support Personnel / AFSCME Local 4011
- International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 369
Chris IS that change they long for now. He has attended Board meetings for the last 6 years, has spoken up countless times for the children, teachers, support staff, bus drivers who serve our children day after day.
You close your statement, “Jones is needed now to continue the work he started in his first term”.
I respectfully disagree. We need someone new for the sake of our children. I am not an employee of JCPS but rather a very concerned citizen of our community who is saying, “ENOUGH”.
Pat Bush
Louisville, KY 40205-2515