Shawnee Principal Follow Up Email

From Gay Adelmann

Thu, Aug 27, 2015, 10:34 AM

Benboe, Venita M” <>   
Principal letter and other follow up items

Ms. Benboe,

It was nice to sit down with you Tuesday and share some ideas and history of the school. We hope you consider us a part of your “team” and let us know how we can help you keep the momentum going at Shawnee.

I wanted to follow up on a few items we discussed.

Can you email me an electronic copy of the letter you sent home with students?

Also, is there someone you can ask about the number of Shawnee families who have email addresses on one call? How many were sent the email with your letter? And how many of those opened the email? 

Here is a link to the high school boundary map that you asked me to send you.

Also, attached is the news article from Dec. 2008 referencing the redistricting of the schools to have no more than half of its population from low-income, low education, high minority homes at any school. Shawnee was the only exception. “Shawnee would still draw 87 percent of its students from low-income, low-education and high-minority areas — more than double the rate of any other high school.”

We know we’re throwing a lot at you, and you have many more things going on than just the items on our list. Erin and I look forward to having a strategy meeting with you soon, so we can identify ways to achieve your vision of becoming the Top 6-12 school. 

Also, our PTA board meetings are the 2nd Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm. The next one is Sept 10. We meet at the AeroClub at Bowman field. We would love it if you could join us.

Thanks, Gay

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ferrelli, Allison <>
Date: Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 11:46 AM
Subject: pdfs
To: Gay Adelmann <>

Allison Ross

Education reporter

AUTHOR’S NOTE:  I was not able to locate a recording of this conversation. However, a subsequent meeting can be heard here: