FBI Tips

“public corruption, white-collar crime, civil rights violations”

When recently completing a complaint on the FBI Tips website about the “public corruption, white-collar crime, civil rights violations” taking place in JCPS and the State Legislature, they asked the question, “What specific details do you have to report about the crime/incident? (Additional information regarding what, why, and how),” but they only gave me 2,000 characters. So I decided to supplement my entry with a link to this page, with links, which will continue to be updated.

A pattern of organized crimes involving a number of state legislators and JCPS district leaders over a number of years, including racketeering, fraud, lying during committee testimony and to the public, cover-ups, and election tampering.

Julie Raque Adams, KY Senator; Jason Nemes; KY House Rep; Morgan McGarvey, KY Senator; Chad McCoy, KY House Rep; Jerry Miller, KY House Rep; Brent McKim, JCTA President; Antonia Lindauer, JCTA Employee; DeeAnn Flaherty, JCTA Employee; Marty Pollio, JCPS Superintendent; Former Governor Matt Bevin; Former KBE Board Members; Tea Party leader Theresa Camoriano, and many others. More info.

On March 28, 2019, KY Senator Julie Raque Adams can be seen on the phone in the Senate Chamber during the roll call vote of Senate Resolution 240. She was clearly negotiating with someone prior to casting the swing vote that would end up confirming Gary Houchens, of Ed Choice Kentucky, to the Kentucky Board of Education. This surprise vote, coming from a Senator who was disingenuously deemed to be “public education friendly” and who received the endorsement of JCTA President’s tightly controlled PAC, threw public school advocates under the bus, ultimately making way for the fraudulent passage of a very harmful, House Bill 563, on March 29, 2021. Speaking on the phone may not be a crime, but the public deserves to know who she was talking to. I believe this tip could pierce the veil of a crime syndicate with ties to Mitch McConnell, Matt Bevin, and others, making the BopTrot scandal of the 1990’s seem like child’s play.

On March 16, 2021, JCTA President’s golden-boy (who survived members’ many controversial endorsement challenges, which even resulted in an entire slate of candidates that unsuccessfully rose up to challenge entrenched leadership in JCTA’s recent botched PAC and officer elections, only to discover that they are riddled with tampering and fraud), House Rep Jason Nemes, cast one of four votes that could have stopped the bill if they had voted NO. The other three JCTA-endorsed candidates were Tom Burch, Al Gentry, and Jerry Miller. Al and Jerry also voted yes. Tom Burch “went for a walk” during the vote and did not vote at all. Rep. Nemes and Miller also conspired to create a bill that would undermine Jefferson County taxpayers efforts to hold LMPD accountable.

ON THE TWO-YEAR ANNIVERSARY: Sickouts vs. Sellouts

On March 29, 2021, due to the continued intentional misdirection of the JCPS teachers’ union efforts, the momentum of the prolonged resistance could no longer be sustained, and the voucher bill was passed into law.


3/31/21 – Today I contacted officials with Kentucky Registry of Election Finance to notify them of Yes4JCPS’s 501(c)4’s failure to use the proper disclosures on the yard signs they created to lobby voters to vote in favor of the school tax referendum that was on Nov. 2020 ballots in Jefferson County. In an effort to simplify matters, I will add that information, and all that is linked to what I believe is organized crime, to this page.

Below are photos of the Yes4JCPS yard sign. This might seem like a minor infraction, but they continue to operate as if rules don’t apply to them, while groups like ours would be raked through the coals if our yard signs, some of which we made when they first declined to do so, didn’t have proper disclosures on them. Yet as you can see here, theirs did not. 

Watch the latest video about the events that took place on March 28, 2019.

Also, here is an interview we did with Chris Tobe and Randy Wieck about the money laundering. We took the video down from our public page after receiving a cease and desist letter from JCTA’s attorneys.


This page will continue to be updated. Also check out our page for DOJ Tips.