Editor’s note: Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. This includes our brave victims, possibly as young as 13, who have come forward, as well as those who have yet to do so. It is right to be outraged as you read their stories, but let’s not forget to be outraged at those in power who allowed these acts to continue to happen without accountability. Let’s be outraged at the “sick society” that Anne and Carl Braden shed light on from the early 1950’s until Anne’s death in 2006. The compounding ills that can only be described as the result of unaddressed root cause issues, and those who cause or allow them, must also be held in contempt. One cannot heal the harm until they have stopped the harm and we have yet to stop the harm.
As this latest series on Dear JCPS rolls out, you will be shown the public records and private conversations, to the best of my ability, and you can draw your own conclusions. I only ask that you remember that the system favors those already in power. It takes a lot for whistleblowers to come forward, and even more to get it in the public eye. We are all victims, in one way or another, and victims deserve to be fully heard and understood before conclusions are drawn. Dear JCPS has been demanding transparency and accountability since 2015. I would be willing to discuss this with anyone who has the ability to help us pursue all available channels. Please consider making a donation to help offset volunteer’s out-of-pocket expenses, legal fees and insurance for the smaller PTOs we cover. We also have a grassroots PAC that makes endorsements of REAL OPTIONS in key elections, including this November’s Governor’s race. Thank you for your support and for spreading the word!
One was his own 14-year old daughter!
According to a police report just obtained by Dear JCPS, one of the twin brothers who was a football coach at Manual High School until he recently became under scrutiny for alleged inappropriate sexual conduct with a minor in his care, reportedly began sexually abusing his daughter when she was in the 6th Grade at Newburg Middle School, where he also worked.
Also according to the police report, which was filed in 2021 and is shown in its entirety below, her father was alerted by the school that she had been sending sexually explicit messages to a classmate using a fake profile. Instead of helping, educating and/or disciplining his daughter, it sounds like he was able to use this sensitive information to further exploit his daughter.
Also according to the report, the daughter stated that this abuse happened about 10 times.

She eventually signed an affidavit stating she made the whole thing up and the LMPD report was closed as “unsubstantiated” nearly a year later. The victim, now a mother herself, maintains to this day that she was coerced to sign the affidavit by a family member.
Not the first? Not the last?
After all, we provided a timeline for our readers showing how Ronnie had been accused of possibly kissing a student in 2014, caught on camera at Fern Creek. He was later transferred to Newburg Middle School, where another student came forward in 2021 with a claim about abuse that took place involving her in 2016-2017, when she would have been 13 and 14.
Our sources tell us that he was given 3 minutes to clear out his desk last July before being transferred to Manual. Two weeks later, the beloved Newburg principal announced a surprise resignation/retirement. No one I was close to really understood why at the time, but maybe we’re starting to now. After all, that ivory (as in milky-white) tower loves allowing their Black employees to take the fall for sins they themselves have been committing and condoning, paying off victims, and sweeping the whole thing under the rug. Whistleblowers have been confirming this for years.
Are Cover-ups Common?
Read the investigation report and personnel file of another Manual coach, this time a white man. Hear how* in 2019, a mom provided evidence in an attempt to report suspected felonies on Manual’s campus. Among her evidence was screenshots demonstrating her concern supported by examples of stories about how a coach had reportedly been soliciting and denying privileges to some Manual students on Tinder.
And now we have the story of head football coach Donnie Stoner soliciting a 17-year old girl at the same school, and his twin brother, also an employee there, accused of something similar, what are we to believe, other than there is a culture of tolerance for sex, drugs and human trafficking in undeniably the most prominent public school in the state of Kentucky. I realize the significance of the allegations I’m making. Examine the evidence for yourself and you tell me what you think is happening in our schools? Don’t our students deserve better? Don’t taxpayers deserve better?
Some of these girls have tried to come forward previously, but they were coerced to be silent. Don’t we owe it to the victims to get to the bottom of this, even if it means some who have been benefiting from a rigged system may need to have a wake up call. It didn’t have to be this way. We tried to warn folks. Thanks for listening.
The report was filed when the victim was 17, but the alleged incest and abuse began when the victim was just 14 years old. Here is some of the information the brave victim gave to police at the time.
*Subscription and/or membership required.