April Zimmerman
Questions and responses are taken from the 15th District PTA Website, where you can also find information about the candidates on the slate, the election and how to become a delegate.
What PTA positions have you held in the past and what PTA/PTSA are currently a member of?
I have not held any positions within PTA/PTSA but I have been very active with other organizations.
What prompted you to seek this position?
I want to positively influence education and encourage involvement of parents and other stakeholders.
What about the position excites you and why do you want to join the 15th District PTA Board?
I am a very strong advocate of education and students and being vocal when it comes to the effects of community involvement within education and students and how it takes a village to raise a child.
Will you be comfortable being an ambassador or advocate for our association and our mission which includes National PTA Resolutions and Position Statements? If so what makes you passionate about our association?
Yes, I will be an advocate for PTA and I am passionate about getting community and parents involved in educating our youth. Education is more than just teachers/educators in a school but the whole community educating youth during all events/ all day, every day!
Joining a board requires working as part of a team. How would you describe your ability to work on a team? The role you think you will play as part of this team?
I am a go-getter and an advocate/ educator first and foremost. I will be active and an active listener with fresh, new ideas. A 15th District PTA Board position is an important commitment. Are you able to give the time necessary to fulfill this role and to attend all PTA board meetings and events? Yes, I am able to attend meetings and events and to fulfill any PTA role.
A 15th District PTA Board position is an important commitment. Are you able to give the time necessary to fulfill this role and to attend all PTA board meetings and events?
Yes, I am able to attend meetings and events and to fulfill any PTA role.
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