Admin, Vision: 2020

Community Guidance Solicited for Superintendent’s Evaluation

Historically, the month of June is when the Superintendent receives her annual evaluation from the board. In order to ensure that this year’s evaluation is authentic and comprehensive, guided by “real-world examples” of JCPS “evidence,” Dear JCPS would like to request the community provide feedback from their perspective, and we will share that feedback, in aggregate, with our elected board officials during future board meetings.

To bring you up to speed:

Here is a link to the superintendent’s evaluation from last year:

Here is a link to the “evidence” she has collected and is providing to the board to assist them with this year’s evaluation (click on the Evidence button under each standard). Ignore the button that links to the standards and comments, as they are left over in this form from last year:…/


Here is a link to a questionnaire for YOU to provide genuine STAKEHOLDER input that you would like for the board to consider when preparing this year’s evaluation:

You may complete the survey as many times as you need in order to provide more than one rating and/or set of evidence per standard.

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