The following letter was sent to @BradyJCPSBOE on April 23, 2017 from a Maupin parent:
Mr. Chris Brady,
I am following up on our conversation on Wed, Mar 22, 2017 after the Townhall meeting w/ Pruitt.
As I recall you had stated that you thought this year would have been the 1st year to consider since last year was a transition year. Also that you thought that the implementation at Maupin was horrible. That you had set up a meeting with Mr. Leffert and were going to discuss my questions and concerns with him.
You also stated that at that time no one had released any information regarding the audit or the parent meetings that occurred afterwards to the board. That you were requesting that as well as the questions/concerns that the parents/caregivers sent to Joe Leffert and/or Maria Holmes.
Lastly I recall you stating that once you received that information you would fight for this program to both the School Board and KDE if need be.
So now I’m asking:
1. How did your meeting with Mr. Leffert go?
2. Are you still going to try to save this program and convince the school board and possibly KDE if needed to support it?
There has been so much misinformation and piece-mealed information lately that I feel that I have to ask you my District Representative where you stand in regards to this program.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Also for all you do for the children in the communities you serve by being on the School Board. I know it can’t be easy continually dealing with some parent and their schools’ issues. So I thank you for doing it.
Very Respectfully,
Mrs. Shanna Miller