Dear JCPS,
Take heed.
The Males of Color Academy that is being proposed for JCPS is modeled after the Carter G. Woodson Academy in Fayette County. CGW is a “specialized program” here in Fayette County that sounds good in theory, but, in my opinion, it is our first unofficial attempt at a Charter-like private school for children of color. They tout it as being for “at risk” African American boys but, the kids that go there are a who’s who of district and local VIPs, including:
Jimmy Meadows, director of elementary schools
Darryl & Faith Thompson, Equity/SBDM, FCPS
Brian Hodge, Equity Council
Roy Woods, UWBG, former Equity Council chair
Ron Mack, Partners for Youth
Vince Mattox, former FCPS now at KyState University
Dr. Roger Cleveland, EKU Professor of Ed, CRTL trainer
James Brown, City Councilman
Rolanda Woolfork, UWBG, Give 10 Program
Russell and Jodi Ferguson, church ties with Akins
David Cozart, current Equity Council chair and leader of the Fatherhood initiative (Cozart’s wife is also Admin Dean at CGW)
Tracy Curtis, NAACP
Dr. Michael Winkler, NAACP and a Radiologist at U.K.
The CGW application asks specifically about church affiliation which I believe to be a violation of church/state separation. It is a well known fact that joining Akins church is a sure way to get into CGW, especially if you are capable of generous financial giving to the church.
The “at risk” youth are blocked out by the massive application process and the lack of affiliation with the church that CB Akins pastors.
The parental involvement requirement is impossible for many of the families that would most benefit. In short, it is a private school where the elite boys of color can attend without the influence or interaction with the REAL “at risk” peers.
And that’s a pity.
For what it’s worth,
Anonymous FCPS Stakeholder
NOTE: This information was submitted to Dear JCPS and although the post’s author is anonymous, they are not anonymous to us. The identity of the person who submitted the info is withheld in order to protect their identity. Additional feedback is welcome at