This is the speech delivered by Dear JCPS Student Voice Member Sarah Vincent at the 2/23/16 Board Meeting.
Dear JCPS,
As you all know, next week is the National Shadow a Student Day. I’m here tonight to follow up on the challenge that fellow student Peyton Adelmann presented a month ago. Since we first made this challenge, classmates from across our district have come forward to invite each of you to shadow them. Therefore, each of you has received an invitation from a real student who would like to share their day with you. The invitation contains their contact information to help you connect with your student and make your shadow day as easy as possible.
I am honored to have Ms Duncan already accept my invitation to be my shadow next Monday – to walk the halls with me and see my school through my eyes. We are also honored that Ms Horne and Dr. Willner have already accepted the shadow a student challenge as well. Ms Horne has even signed up to ride the bus!
We hope everyone who has the important responsibility of making decisions that impact our futures understands that our challenges cannot be solved by making decisions by looking at the data alone. You get a better understanding of the “why” behind the data — and the best ways to improve situations — by seeing what really happens in the hallways, in the classrooms and talking to teachers, students and staff.
Thank you for your dedication to the students and for setting aside a day to shadow students. We are excited for this chance to share a glimpse our daily school life. Hopefully, we can both learn something from our day together. And you can use our experience to keep making all our schools into the best that they can be.