Dear JCPS,
I am a JCPS teacher in the “prestigious” east end where we have ZERO behavior problems (insert sarcasm). This current school year, I am concerned that principals are really hard pressed to fully suspend a student from school. I don’t know if their hands are tied or if Dr. Hargens has just told them to not suspend at all, but we have a 5th grader who has literally broken bones in 2 different students. In one situation, he and another student got into a fight and the student of whom I am speaking broke the other’s collar bone. A few weeks later he threw a little girl to the ground and broke her wrist. This 5th grader has been removed from his classroom, however is still in our building. Almost every day he’s running notes to classrooms, delivering packages, following administrators around, on an Ipad, etc…Classroom teachers have refused to keep this student for obvious reasons. I’d like to see some discussion of the serious offenses seemingly going unnoticed by administrators. Why? I know I’m not the only one.
Concerned Teacher