Admin, Vision: 2020

Superintendent’s “Year In Review” Feedback

According to the 6/14 #JCPS BOE Meeting Agenda, the Superintendent’s Year in Review (reprinted below) will be used to inform the evaluation of the Superintendent by the Board and is in addition to evidence that responds to the seven leadership standards established in the Superintendent Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (SPGES).

Also according to the meeting agenda, the Board adopted SPGES for use in the evaluation of the Superintendent for the 2014–15 school year and thereafter at their October 27, 2014, meeting. The Board will act upon the Superintendent’s annual performance evaluation at the June 28, 2016, meeting.

To streamline the review process, we have reprinted the contents from the Year in Review below, and broken it up according to the standards with which each section aligns:


The 2015-16 school year began on August 12, 2015 and concluded on May 26, 2016. The school year gave us the opportunity to continue making a positive difference for all students as we started the process of implementing our Strategic Plan Vision 2020 Excellence with Equity. As stated in our vision, we are working so that “all JCPS students graduate prepared, empowered, and inspired to reach their full potential and contribute as thoughtful, responsible citizens of our diverse, shared world.”

Standards 1 & 2 – Strategic and Instructional Leadership

Standard 3 – Cultural Leadership

Standard 4 – Human Resource Leadership

Standard 5 – Managerial Leadership

Concluding Thoughts

The complete, original Superintendent’s Year In Review can be found here.

Because our board members can’t possibly be aware of or participate in every example of these events, we want to hear from you. Help us provide feedback that will help inform a thorough and balanced evaluation for the Superintendent for the 2015-2016 school year. Comments can be added via Disqus below, emailed to or posted on the related thread on Facebook.

Alternatively, you can complete our Superintendent’s Evaluation Survey that collects a set of evidence-based responses for each of the standards.

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