Behavior/Discipline, Budget, Teacher Shortage, Vision: 2020

Chomping at the Bit

Dear JCPS,

I was 17 when I started teaching summer school. It was minimum wage so my paycheck was tiny. We were expected to wear dresses (with stockings) every day and we were called by our last names. Students respected me and I walked taller just knowing that I was changing lives.

I loved it. Loved the kids, loved the lessons, loved planning the lessons, loved learning how to keep kids on task and how to help them be their best selves. . . I had found my home.

I was hooked.

Degrees followed, along with experience navigating the horrors of No Child Left Behind (I paid for so many tests), a master’s, a Rank I, more training and a few more endorsements onto my awesome teaching certificate (had it framed in my classroom I was so proud). I am good and I love what I do.

After 11 years, I was ready to move to a district that would afford me opportunities for advancement in my specific area. As mentioned above, I am qualified above and beyond the average. I’m also a fireball teacher.

As I looked around the state, I considered a few different districts. JCPS offered me a competitive salary in an area with relatively low housing costs while providing the opportunities for advancement that I wanted. I made the move and began teaching in my new home.

I’ve been bit, hit, kicked, slapped, called a motherf#$king b!$ch (and lots more things out my name), tripped, been used for target practice (white boards leave bruises, FYI), spat upon, had death threats (credible ones), and generally been abused to the point that I’m wondering if the bullying policy might apply to teachers being bullied. I’ve had shots for hepatitis B and tetanus and I’ve had to pee in a cup to ensure that my kidneys weren’t bleeding after I was punched so hard that I went down. I’ve compared bruises with other teachers that have been obtained from the same student. I’ve been screamed at by parents and I’ve had administrators blame me for not “holding him” when I was being beat up.

I’ve been called to the carpet for being at fault for being bitten (not the most recent bite for those who know me) and I’ve pretty much decided that I need to be more vigilant when it comes to kids’ ability to inflict pain upon me.

My friends in private school say we get “hazard pay” and that they’d never go over to the “dark side” and teach in the public school system. I can tell you this, I’m really good at what I do and I can work anywhere in the world. Without that hazard pay, I’d be hard pressed to stay here. I mean, the allergies alone. . .

Furthermore, in response to the teacher candidate who has expressed her desire to never work for JCPS, we’re bad, but if you can handle it, if you can stick with it for a bit (or a bite), you can work yourself into a 100K job in the board office and tell everyone to duck faster.

I’m checking the jobs board now.

Ophelia Payne

NOTE: While the author’s identity is protected here, they are not anonymous to Dear JCPS. Any board member wishing to address the concerns shared here can contact our administrators to make a connection.

Behavior/Discipline, Budget, Teacher Shortage

A Possible Solution

This letter was submitted via our open letter form. It does not necessarily reflect the views of Dear JCPS.

Dear JCPS,

Listening to the top administrators at JCPS has made one thing perfectly clear to me…they are completely out of touch with what is actually going on in Jefferson County Public Schools.

Anyone who spends time in our schools would know that we need improved methods in dealing with student behavior. The answer to this problem is not less consequences. Anyone who spends time in the schools would know that the staff who work with students on a daily basis deserves a raise, not a salary freeze.

Then I saw the news about JCPS cutting central office jobs and it hit me…close down all of the offices at Van Hoose and Gheens. Any employees or administrators who are still needed could set up an office at a school. There was a time, before current technology, when administrators needed to physically be in the same building, but that time has passed. I’m sure most communication is now handled through email, Google docs or Skype. All of that can be done from offices at the schools. This would allow administrators to make decisions that are best for the students, teachers and schools by allowing them to see first-hand what is actually going on in the schools.

I have a small room connected to my classroom. I would be more than happy for Tom Hudson, Chief Business Officer, to set up his office there. This way he can show me what he does all day to justify his $176,000 salary and I can show him why I deserve to not have my salary frozen. He would also get to experience challenging student behavior first-hand, and be more informed when making decisions about the code of conduct for JCPS students.

I hope JCPS listens to my suggestions. Not only will it help decision-makers be more in touch with what is happening at our schools, it could also save JCPS and taxpayers a lot of money.

A teacher that unfortunately must remain anonymous

NOTE: While the author’s identity is protected here, they are not anonymous to Dear JCPS. Any board member wishing to address the concerns shared here can contact our administrators to make a connection.

Behavior/Discipline, Budget, Teacher Shortage, Vision: 2020

A Letter to Dr. Hargens

This letter was submitted via our open letter form. It does not necessarily reflect the views of Dear JCPS.

Dr. Hargens,

I attended Jefferson County Public Schools for 12 of my 13 years of education and have been working for the school system from the time that I was 18 until now. All together, I have spent 16 years in JCPS and so I feel highly qualified to say that I have watched the system fall apart more and more every day under your leadership.

I will be graduating from the University of Louisville in December of this year with a Bachelors degree in Secondary Education with a concentration in English. I am writing not only to speak for myself but to be the voice of many other wonderful teacher candidates who I have had the opportunity to share classes with. You have successfully made almost all of us wish to teach outside of Jefferson County. People are moving out of the county to teach elsewhere (I already have). We are refusing to put our children in your school system. We are afraid to teach under your leadership. We know that our children will not get the educational experience in JCPS that they could receive elsewhere.

Though, I must say, I am not so sure that you even care about the quantity or quality of your teachers considering the blatant disrespect and disregard that you have for them and their jobs. Teachers go to work every day and bring their work home with them every night because they care about their students. They get disrespected and so much of their work goes unnoticed every day because you have allowed such a climate to exist. No other profession would be if it weren’t for teachers—not even yours.

You have continuously implemented rules and ridiculous jobs to cater to the misbehaving children who ruin the educational experience for well-behaved children. Free education was never meant to be a right, but a privilege. Because you have made these children feel that it is their God-given right to be in the schools, they no longer see the value or how blessed they are to receive a free education in our country. They simply do not care and you have played a pivotal role in devaluing education in their eyes. So many of these children are leaving high school feeling as if the world owes them something and they do not have to work hard or treat anyone with respect to get it.

Students who behave and wish to be in the classroom are the ones who are suffering. Their parents are suffering. TEACHERS ARE SUFFERING. Students are being bullied and the blood is on your hands. You have made it OK for students to disrespect their teachers, their principals, their peers. These students are not being disciplined, they are being babied and sent out into the real world feeling as if they will receive that same type of treatment. They are being sent out into the real world believing that they can be disrespectful, violent and unruly and will get a slap on the wrist and get away with it. You are doing every last student a disservice.

I refuse to put my child(ren) in your school system because they should not have to deal with the unsafe environment that JCPS has become. They should not have to deal with disrespectful and violent students coming in and out of her classroom disrupting and/or bullying, being taken out for a short period of time and sent right back in to do it all over again.

Are you aware that when these students are threatened to be sent to the principals office, they either: A. Want to go to get out of class, and/or B. Respond with something along the lines of, “Go ahead b&$@h, they aren’t going to do anything to me”. This is the harsh reality. If you don’t believe me, go be a teacher for a little while. These students are fully aware that there are little to no repercussions for their actions and, believe me, they take full advantage of that.

I refuse to teach for your school system because, like Dewey Hensley said with precision in his letter, the focus is no longer on the students. The focus is on you and your image. The focus is on central office. I will not represent a school system that caters to the most disrespectful children in it. I refuse to be in a situation where a student can curse me, threaten my life and endanger the physical and mental well being of everyone around them—and absolutely nothing truly gets done about it. You are preventing people from doing their jobs, Dr. Hargens, and we are all sick of it.

We are not blind to the fact that you are trying to phase out suspension, ISAP, alternative placement, etc. with these nonsense jobs that you have created to cater to these unruly students. I do not see you as progressive, I see you as detrimental. You are running teachers and parents away from your school system and damaging the experiences of those who are stuck.

Students who break the rules are not going to stop breaking the rules because someone pulls them out of class and tells them to stop it. And I guarantee you this, watering down the rules is far from the solution. It absolutely disgusts me and so many others that you feel as if this is the answer. Numbers and statistics are all that matter to you. Students are not numbers and statistics, they are people.

How would you feel if you were in a 6 and a half-hour long board meeting and people kept getting out of their seats, throwing things, physically harming others, threatening to kill the speaker or threatening to kill YOU, cursing people out, etc. And someone comes in to pull them out for a while then sends them right back in. Period after period, day after day. Tell me, Dr. Hargens, is that the environment that you want to be in? Is that the environment that children should have to be in during the most malleable time of their lives? Is this an environment that nurtures growth and learning?

NO. The answer is NO. Because this type of behavior is not condoned in the real world. And this is what you have let the classroom come to. These are the behaviors that children now believe can be carried into adulthood—where they get a rude awakening.

You seem very worried about your image. You should be. Teachers, parents and students are unhappy with you. Your emails and speeches with articulate language which attempt to justify your wrongful actions and policies do not fool me or anyone else who sees that you are the root of the issues. You are a tyrant.

I feel confident in speaking for myself and so many of my classmates who are all so eager and excited to teach the future generations of America when I say that we care for all students. Those who behave and those who misbehave. The problem, however, is the lack of discipline for those who misbehave as it hinders our abilities to teach, our students abilities to learn and our peace of mind when it comes to our own safety as well as the safety of our students. You are facing shortages and missing out on fresh, enthusiastic incoming teachers who are graduating from college because you have created this environment and culture that caters to those with ill intentions.

I do not think I even need to discuss this “salary freeze” thing. I have faith that the union will destroy you, as they should. Teachers are already underpaid and underappreciated as it is. Here’s an idea! Let’s do something about YOUR $300,000+/year salary.

It is time for everyone to stand together against the real problems in JCPS that stem with you.

A parent/A senior in the teacher preparation program at the University of Louisville/A JCPS employee/A former JCPS student/A person with a right mind who cares about children.

NOTE: While the author’s identity is protected here, they are not anonymous to Dear JCPS. Any board member wishing to address the concerns shared here can contact our administrators to make a connection.

Behavior/Discipline, Teacher Shortage, Vision: 2020

Broke AND Broken

Dear JCPS,

With all the recent uproar about how the staff at JCPS are being treated, it got me thinking. I am currently an instructor III, which means I have my bachelor’s degree. I make about $20,000/year. I’ve been in JCPS for 8 years. I started as an instructional assistant for 6 years. When I changed job titles they took my steps away. Did those 6 years mean nothing? Do they not realize that everything is going up: rent, groceries, gas, etc. Why shouldn’t my pay go up? Am I not worth more to you?

I now play many roles at my school. Sometimes I substitute and currently I’m actually doing SRT. But both of those jobs pay more money. Why am I not getting [paid for the work I actually do]. Sometimes I wish I can go to work and “clock in” under which job I will be doing for the day. That’s not too mention the other roles on top of that mom, counselor, friend, teacher, role model etc. that I play.

Next topic behavior! Wow, the things I’ve seen heard and dealt with this last year. Never have I been so disrespected. Never have I had a panic attack at work. Never have I witnessed such cruelty, hatefulness and entitled children. I can’t even count how many times a child cussed me out, blatantly disrespected me or harassed me. But it’s not just about me. They’ve run subs off mid day and cheered. They instigate violence, talk about sex and drugs (I’m in middle school) yell and scream, hurt others, the list goes on. And the adults are helpless. We try to hand out discipline. We try to have positive conversations. We try to keep them in the class. We give them so many chances but the response is always “I don’t care” and they truly don’t. They don’t care that they’re in Middle School and still read on an elementary level. They don’t care that the teachers have to buy supplies out of money from their own pockets. They don’t care that the lunch ladies are there early in the morning to feed them breakfast and to prepare their lunches. They don’t care about the other 80 children riding on the bus. They just don’t care. I guess that’s a thing at JCPS. Nobody cares what everybody is doing for their children.

I’m so very glad that the school year is almost over. I don’t know how much more I can take.

Someone looking for a new job

NOTE: While the author’s identity is protected here, they are not anonymous to Dear JCPS. Any board member wishing to address the concerns shared here can contact our administrators to make a connection.

Behavior/Discipline, Vision: 2020

Focus on What’s Important

Dear JCPS,

I am currently a student at a JCPS High School and all the talk about the code of conduct changes really frightens me. School already doesn’t feel safe as it is. Just this week we’ve had two incidents at my school that have had news coverage. That’s not counting the everyday struggle I watch both students and teachers suffer through. Many students are having their education jeopardized because of their classmates. I feel as offenses like fighting and sexual harassment should definitely  be taken seriously but also other things like disrespect and disobeying staff/teacher directions for the sake of just not listening. It’s not fair that I’m struggling to pass math because the other students can not behave. Things like dress code, cellphones, and being late to class (all things my school pays more attention to than things that put students in danger) are not the important issues here. The important issues are that I don’t feel safe in class along with many of my peers as well. We need to stop focusing so much on the small, non threatening things like dress codes and cell phones and worry about safety and students not being able to learn because of other students.


JCPS Sophomore

Behavior/Discipline, Budget, Challenger Learning Center, Standardized Testing, Vision: 2020

Our Last Hope

This letter was presented at the JCPS Board Meeting on May 10, 2016 by Dear JCPS Co-founder Gay Adelmann.

Dear JCPS,

gay speaksAs a newcomer to Louisville a few years ago, and upon our selection of a magnet, (which happened to be a priority school in the West End), I was immediately sucked into the dysfunction that is JCPS. I saw some blatant disconnects and easy fixes and I made an effort to be part of the solution. Along the way, I met many people who said “you’re wasting your time.” “The district is going to do what it wants to do.”

The Pollyanna in me said “They just don’t have the info they need to make good decisions.” Teachers were afraid to speak up. But the answers were clear if you knew where to look. So we spoke at board meetings. We wrote proposals. But we were shut out. Calls were not returned. We were treated as hostile. And we were lied to. Sure enough, the district continued to “do what it wanted to do.”

That’s when I said, “un uh.” These are our schools. Our kids. Our tax dollars. So we started Dear JCPS. And that’s when we found many more who were been beaten down, ignored, had issues swept under the rug. Parents who had no choice but to resort to lawsuits. We were drawn to each other like a moth to a flame. Suddenly, the district’s ability to “ignore the problem long enough so that it would go away” was in jeopardy. Repeated attempts were made to discredit and derail our group.

Because district leaders did not authentically respond to our questions and concerns early on, they appear to have a hidden agenda. And now, the district’s lies and misdeeds are becoming undeniable.

When you sign off on out-of-touch recommendations that are obtained with no genuine input from stakeholders; when we are asked to pick one of three options, of which two are not even viable, that is not brainstorming. That is manipulation.

A state senator “shadowed” my son yesterday, but some of our district leaders, entrusted with making some of the most important decisions in our city, can’t be bothered to do the same.

Public education is under attack nationwide. Your complicity that allows them to undermine the success of our district, and expedite — not thwart — its demise, is criminal.

Your negligence is not only filling the pipeline to prison, it is filling the pipeline to the morgue. Two of my son’s classmates have been murdered this year.


Imagine if you lived in a war zone, not knowing if you or someone you loved could be killed at any moment. And you are required to come to school – in many cases bused across town — and forced sit for ridiculous tests and test prep that do not teach you what you need to escape the war zone, but instead are used to label and place more hurdles and burdens in your way.

Yes! We need a more equitable code of conduct, but more importantly we need the supports in place to make sure it’s successful.

These are our children’s lives and futures you’re playing with. We did not elect you to boost your resume, to satisfy your philanthropic goals, or so you could throw your influence around on the golf course or the board room. We elected you to fix our broken school system.

If you think the media is to blame for this debacle, you’re still not getting it. But the community is – and we’re outraged. Our school board is our last hope to save public education in Louisville. You either take this bull by its horns, or we will VOTE YOU OUT!

Behavior/Discipline, Budget, Teacher Shortage, Vision: 2020

Taking a Step Backwards – From a JCPS Student

This letter was presented by a JCPS student at today’s walk-in at Meyzeek. It does not necessarily reflect the views of Dear JCPS.

Dear JCPS,

Hello, my name is Neil Jacob. I’m an 8th grader here at Meyzeek and a student council representative. I’m here today to talk about the proposed changes to the code of conduct which we follow everyday, which will be reviewed over the next 6 weeks. Not only are we at risk, but our beloved teachers are being shot down too. On May 10th, the school board will vote on teacher salary reforms which will put a freeze on their salaries. No raises whatsoever.

What a step backwards we’ve taken. Having to be out here to plead for my education and safety is horrible. Being a JCPS student of nearly 9 years, I’ve seen my fair share of student disobedience. I’ll admit, many attempts to discipline the minuscule amount of unruly students has not worked. If I had a dollar for every vulgar word said or punch thrown in my school, I would have arrived here in a private helicopter. However, this has to be the most shocking jab at teaching kids what is right and wrong. Simply ignoring the situation is completely the wrong approach for shaping the future. You’re doing nobody any good by teaching unruly students that there are no consequences to misbehavior.

A school without discipline is no school of mine. What numbers we saw when campaigns against bullying were launched, students felt safe again. This feels like a leap into the past. A student who assaults another should not only be given a slap on the wrist. No repercussions for serious actions such as sexual assault and theft sounds counter intuitive.

And to our teachers, the educators who influence the lives of the students on a daily basis and stop at nothing to make sure no child has been deprived the opportunity for a sufficient education. Even though they are selfless, driven and motivated; they have the same needs as everybody else. Personally and professionally, they play a substantial role in the development of children of all ages, and deserve all the respect we can give. Instead of discussing how to freeze their salaries, we should be discussing how to raise them.

Thank you.

Behavior/Discipline, Vision: 2020

Rules Work!

This letter was submitted via our open letter form. It does not necessarily reflect the views of Dear JCPS.

Dear JCPS,

I would like to tell you a little about myself and my personal experiences as a child, adult, and educator. I am sure you have heard that we should not decrease the expectations of the Code of Conduct and teacher pay. I am going to tell you why, regardless of what the “data” says, what actual experiences look like. Figures never lie, but liars figure data.

(Excuse structure and grammar, I am writing from the heart.)

I am:
A child of poverty, but I didn’t know at the time.

My parents worked very hard for me to not know this; I thought they were being mean when I couldn’t have what my friends had. However, they lived by a very strict budget and by the time I was in college they had saved enough to help me through school. I was lucky enough to have KEES money, two jobs, and hard work instilled to get me through college.

I attended JCPS because my parents couldn’t afford private school. I received a wonderful education and abided by strict rules and expectations. I was ready for college. I was prepared for the real world. There was 0 tolerance. Students were not able to drink, do drugs, fight, harass others, bully, etc. and stay in a traditional school setting.

I obtained an Economics degree from UofL and in one class the professor taught us about how student vouchers, ideas similar to Charter Schools, would be better economically and I bought in. He was my professor, why would I question his knowledge?

Now, years later, being an educator, I know exactly why the research and data lied and that it was, in fact, not the better option. There were too many extraneous factors he didn’t consider as an economist about serving students in a public school system.

I worked in business for five years and had very clear expectations from my bosses. They told me what was expected. I followed their leadership and thrived. However, I missed working with kids. I had always babysat, lifeguarded, etc. and I had always thought about teaching. I decided to go back from my Masters in Teaching.

Little did I know, expectations for me would never be clear again. I will forever question what my principal wants because for some reason…they have been taught, “Don’t tell them what you want, make them think it was their idea.” I can never get a straight expectation. I have never received a straight expectation unless it was in the form of a threat for my job.

In 2009, I inquired about alt cert. There was not a teacher shortage in JCPS and I could not do that. I was sad. How can I pay my bills and student teach? I worked hard and found a way.
I did a practicum and student taught at a PLA school, shortly after the principal hired me sans interview. I cried because I didn’t want to work at a PLA school, it was not what I wanted but I knew to reach my goal I would.

I worked at a PLA school through ups and downs, culture I didn’t understand but learned to be a part of, my mental stability was challenged, my personal relationships to friends and marriage were challenged because of working in such a tough environment. It affected me personally because I cared and I couldn’t help it. I cried every day my first year, teachers I worked with divorced and called off engagements. Most I worked with were single, divorced, or in a same sex relationship. Odd statement? It seemed as if the principal had staffed to avoid employing teachers with families or planning to start families…

I helped students and I was okay in my first couple years because administration was able to enforce rules. The students began to thrive and everything was getting better! Even through administrative mind games and emotional abuse to all staff. It was worth it! The students were receiving help!

Then, the district said…oh no, no, no. You cannot “punish” the kids in such ways. So then, referrals were ripped up, support was taken away, students began to control the school. They were not being prepared for the real world. Why do rules or consequences have such a negative context in schools now? If we all didn’t have consequences to our actions, the entire world would be chaos. Schools in JCPS are becoming more and more chaotic every day.

I left the PLA School and according to my friends still there, all progress has regressed. Students are running the school. They are playing the mom against dad game with admin and teachers or teachers and parents.

To be specific, before I left:

A student THREW a chair across my room, came back and threatened me after I sent him out. The previous year, this would have been an automatic suspension. But the new AP was under scrutiny for their job, so the student was back the next day. Another student said, “How is he back and not is ISAP?” The student who threw the chair said, and I quote, “I am a black male and I know how to work it when it comes to the white female teachers. They can’t touch me.” To my benefit, I had been there several years and it was well-known that the students overall loved me and I supported them all. I was able to go tell AP word for word what happened and they trusted me and the student THEN received consequences. It should have never come to that. If I was a first year teacher, it would have never come to that…because I would have been forced to resign as the other “white female teacher” he had was forced to do. I was lucky. Isn’t that sad?

I also had a white male student try to fight a black pregnant female student in my class, walk out of school to their house with no consequences. When I questioned the AP, I was told “You will NOT question me. I follow the code of conduct!” I smiled and said, “I understand, but I was just under a different impression that we were responsible for student safety and last year this would have been an automatic suspension. My apologies for not understanding.” I left and understood there would be very little support there.

The same AP cut my legs from under me, so to say, by ripping up a referral I had written on a student. I don’t remember what that referral was for, but I remember being devastated that I did so much for the kids as support and when I wrote a referral it was because they were out of line to extremes. Which honestly, it should never get to extremes in hope of support.

I had another student disrupting class purposefully one day who I finally sent out. Another AP called me to their office later about the referral and asked me, “Why don’t I like said student?” I said, “I like her but she was disrupting and being deliberately disrespectful.” The conversation finally progressed into me stating, “I bought a book for this student’s college class with my own money and had it shipped to her address.” Why is it necessary to defend my actions as a professional and let the students manipulate us? The students need a mom and a dad, which I will get to later. However, they cannot be allowed to play teachers and administrators against each other like a mom and a dad. I was again, “lucky” that day to have a resource teacher in my room witness the whole situation and the resource teacher was well respected. She went and told AP, “I would have kicked her out well before teacher did. How dare you question teacher?” The same AP harassed me and did their best to make me feel insufficient. I am not sure why, but some admin seem power driven and not student driven. The same AP told another teacher in front of me, “I can help you transfer, but not everyone.” And gave me a sideways look. Maybe this seems petty, but these are the petty thing administrators are doing to teachers. Power-based behavior from the top?

Another administrator told me to, “Read my teacher handbook.” After I had been at a PLA school several years and my classes overlapped one year. I DARED to question AP about the bell schedule! In relation to that, AP told me in my final observation that I handled the overlapping bells very well and he/she was proud of that? I sat there thinking…” So, you knew the bells overlapped for some teachers and you chose NOT to fix it, when I gave a solution to altering bells?” I had to send out my one class into hall two minutes early on their schedule, have security watch them, and then bring in my next class three minutes late while security watched them prior?” What about the other teachers on opposite side of building? Did they happen to have security or did we just have students unaccounted for ten to fifteen minutes?

These are the stories you do not hear and won’t because teachers are scared. Administrators are scared because asst superintendents intimidate admin the same way the admin intimidate teachers, the same way the superintendent intimidates the asst superintendents. We are living in a fear-based environment where the teachers are only now speaking up because at this point, take away our raise, take away our ability to discipline…not much left for us before being forced to leave our jobs we want to do right because of working conditions in JCPS or be fired for speaking out.

So let’s speak out. The negatives outweigh the positives at this point because it is about the students. If we change the Code of Conduct all students and all teachers are in danger, real danger.

Students need clear lines and clear consequences. I am all about supporting students, however, support does NOT include taking away consequences. I know as a middle and high school student if I didn’t have consequences, I would have tried to get away with EVERYTHING whether it was at home or at school. And my personal experiences with students speak to this!
We all have possible consequences every day, late to work-could lose job, drive recklessly-ticket or wreck, don’t go to sleep-fall asleep at work, lose job, fall asleep at wheel-get in wreck, don’t take a shower-lose customers at work, don’t pay bills-electric or water turned off, lose apartment, foreclose on house, pay higher interest rates, have bad credit, can’t get a car to go to work, etc. Seems ridiculous, I know…But most importantly, break laws=possible jail time. By not providing consequences while students have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes, we are not setting students up for success.

I went from a PLA school to a top performing JCPS school with HIGH behavior and academic expectations.

I was almost scared to believe administration would support me and enforce the rules. I saw firsthand being too lenient backfire! The students thrived in clear expectations and by me, implementing PBIS ish standards, they took advantage of me. They acted out in ways they never would. I improved in coming years and theses problems decreased. I still gave support, however, I upheld rules and school expectations and the students thrived!

The same students, in shock, have talked to me this week about how the relaxed code of conduct is “insane” in their own words. “We already act bad enough and we aren’t bad. Imagine if there were no consequences? Students would be cussing teachers in face, hitting them, doing all kinds of crazy every day?!” I looked at them and said, “You are lucky. This is already happening in other schools.”

Back to the mom and dad rhetoric…Students need disciplinarians in teachers and admins. They also need care from teachers and admin. If you hire correctly, this naturally happens. If admin and teachers ALL receive support and are treated as professionals, this NATURALLY happens. It’s OKAY that different teachers teach in different ways and have different classroom management styles! This is what creates a well-rounded student prepared for the real world. I get to be the mommy now with clear expectations; all of my students know there is a line. They must follow rules or consequences will be enforced. Yet, they know I genuinely care for each of them. They have “daddies” at the school as well, in the form of authoritarian administration and teachers. And guess what? Our school is prospering! Even though I still believe our school has diminished in recent years because of the lack of ability to enforce rules as they have in the past. Students will rise or fall to the expectations we give them.

I was a student of Louisville Male Traditional High School. I am a teacher of Louisville Male Traditional High School. I was a teacher at The Academy @ Shawnee. I cannot explain all of my personal experiences and I am sure from my letter it would be easy to find my identity. However, I am tired of being scared. I want to stand up for what is best for ALL students. From my experiences, ALL students thrive from clear, consistent behavior and academic expectations. The district is NOT supporting this with their policies. Education in JCPS is becoming about false numbers and perception! Do NOT do this to our kids! I agree that students should have access to support services, however, changing the code of conduct is not supportive to students’ safety or future. The Youth Service centers should be properly funded to provide these services. At the PLA school my first two years, the YSC was instrumental in the improvement across the school. Maybe the data didn’t show the vast improvement, but the environment and the students sure did-and this was while strict rules and consequences were put in place.

The traditional program is CLEAR data that rules work! We have students from all over the district, we do not pick and choose, we are a lottery. The ONLY common consistency is parents CARE and/or INVOLOVED! Imagine that, logical data. From real world experiences.

Behavior/Discipline, Vision: 2020

“City of Compassion” Should Come Together on Code of Conduct

This letter was submitted via our open letter form. It does not necessarily reflect the views of Dear JCPS. But in this case, it does. 😉

Dear JCPS,

Every employee of every organization is absolutely entitled to work in a safe and secure workplace, just as every student at every school is entitled to an authentic education in a safe and secure school. No one deserves a ticket to a future without hope – not teachers and not students.

That is why I support bringing together stakeholder groups, including students, in a meaningful way to make data-informed, research-based SYSTEMIC changes to school policies and to a school culture which sadly limits everyone’s potential.

Nationwide, the data which schools are required to report to the U.S. Office of Civil Rights demonstrate that the overwhelming majority of classroom removals are for minor misconduct. A disproportionately large percentage of disciplined students are minority or LGBT students or students with disabilities.

Per the 2014 The School Discipline Consensus Report, “There is no question that when students commit serious offenses or pose a threat to school safety they may need to be removed from the campus or arrested. Such incidents, however, are relatively rare.”

And, “It is important to distinguish between efforts to improve school climate for students and educators that can come across as perfunctory—such as hanging student artwork on the walls, announcing teacher appreciation days, or convening monthly student assemblies—and the strategies that have been shown to improve attendance and student success, engagement, and behavior. Although educators, administrators, and the school community universally value a positive school climate, they do not always share an understanding of what it takes to achieve it.”

In 2014, over 700 hundred experts in education (including teachers), behavioral health, law enforcement, and juvenile justice leaders as well as policymakers, parents, youth, and advocates from all over the nation came together in consensus to publish The School Discipline Consensus Report as a joint initiative of the U.S. Departments of Education & Justice. Can we not, in our City of Compassion, do the same?

Judith Bradley
Idea Architect (coming soon)


In the meantime, here are excerpts from the Executive Summary section:

“Everyone agrees that schools should provide an environment where students and staff feel physically and emotionally safe, connected, fairly treated, and valued. Research has demonstrated that academic achievement and positive behaviors increase when these conditions for learning are in place. Unfortunately, promoting a positive school climate often takes a back seat to educators’ and administrators’ efforts to address mandates to improve test scores and graduation rates, even though strong conditions for learning have been shown to help improve academic achievement. Where school leaders have not made school climate a priority, disciplinary approaches often rely heavily on the removal of students from school. It is important to distinguish between efforts to improve school climate for students and educators that can come across as perfunctory—such as hanging student artwork on the walls, announcing teacher appreciation days, or convening monthly student assemblies—and the strategies that have been shown to improve attendance and student success, engagement, and behavior. Although educators, administrators, and the school community universally value a positive school climate, they do not always share an understanding of what it takes to achieve it. Schools often lack the means to accurately assess their own climates, and to involve the school community in developing a vision and corrective plan. School administrators and staff need training and professional development opportunities, job-embedded supports, and feedback on their performance to carry out these plans. District codes of conduct should also reinforce steps to sustain a positive school climate, and be routinely assessed and revised to ensure progress.

The extent to which students are safe, connected, engaged, and supported in their classrooms and schools—collectively known as the “conditions for learning”—is critical to their academic and personal success. Schools that create welcoming and secure learning environments reduce the likelihood that students will misbehave, and improve educators’ ability to manage student behavior.

Research and data on school discipline practices are clear: millions of students are being removed from their classrooms each year, mostly in middle and high schools, and overwhelmingly for minor misconduct. When suspended, these students are at a significantly higher risk of falling behind academically, dropping out of school, and coming into contact with the juvenile justice system. A disproportionately large percentage of disciplined students are youth of color, students with disabilities, and youth who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT).

There is no question that when students commit serious offenses or pose a threat to school safety they may need to be removed from the campus or arrested. Such incidents, however, are relatively rare, and school typically remains the safest place a young person can be during the day. In schools with high rates of suspension for minor offenses, however, students and teachers often feel they are not safe or supported in their learning environment. Trailblazing student and parent groups, advocacy organizations, researchers, professional associations, and school districts have raised the visibility of exclusionary discipline practices across the nation. In response, individual schools, districts, and state education systems have implemented research-based approaches to address student misbehavior that hold youth accountable, address victims’ needs, and effectively improve both student conduct and adult responses. These approaches also help keep students engaged in classrooms and out of courtrooms.”