“Many teachers feel stressed over the lack of control at Jeffersontown High School. Simply put, we do not feel safe. A riot just broke out in a stairwell that involved multiple children fighting and over 100 other students gathering around to videotape it. Fight started in cafeteria, but security and AP’s allowed students to leave. It escalated quickly and took several admin, security and over a dozen teachers to contain it. This is the fourth fight this week. Despite the fact that teachers and staff have voiced concerns to a new administrative staff, they do not listen and continue act as if everything is ok.
This is the second time this type of riot has broken out this year. This is in addition to the multiple fights that occur daily, student being allowed to leave campus and come and go as they please. This environment was ripe to set up the events from two weeks ago when several kids left school, got drunk and savagely brutalized a classmate in the woods, leaving him for dead. The current climate of the school is tense, teachers are fearful– a far cry from how things at JTown used to be.”
(Teacher name withheld.)