On Friday, we posted this open letter from Brennan Long’s father who is seeking the truth about what happened to his son on Nov. 11, 2014. His open letter generated this response from a Binet staffer. Tonight, Dear JCPS received the following follow up letter in response to the information presented in response and on the Facebook posts.
Please note: Dear JCPS does not take a position on these letters and responses. Our intention is purely to provide an avenue for all sides and concerns to be heard.
Dear JCPS Community,
Our intentions are clear: We will pursue the Truth about what happened to Brennan and we will work endlessly to ensure this never happens to another child – ever. We are not out for Blood or Money – we are pursuing the truth.
Brennan is NOT violent.
Brennan’s Teacher of Record’s own words:
“Comparatively to other students at our school, he (Brennan) is a pretty easy student for the most part…he is typically not aggressive toward you or towards his peers, really, his worst behavior is when he bites himself and we only saw that two or three times”
Source: Seth Stillman, Binet School Teacher of Record, LMPD Police Interview, November 25, 2014.
Fact: Brennan is not violent. The narrative that is being presented is merely an attempt to justify the actions of Binet Staff to restrain Brennan. Brennan should have never been restrained. None of his behaviors that day warranted any type of a restraint. Furthermore, Brennan’s Behavioral Intervention Plan or BIP, that was fully adopted by Binet, identified every reported behavior and what positive behavioral supports should be used to re-direct the behavior. It was not followed.
Sadly, Brennan does know what it feels like (physically and mentally) to suffer from Near-Fatal Child Abuse from the hands of a Binet Staffer. The violent behavior that resulted in Brennan’s near-fatal spiral fractures to BOTH of his femurs is what should be in question. Not a disabled teenager who was biting his arm while sitting in a chair.
Source: Binet Accident Report Dated 11/11/2014, Completed immediately after Brennan’s Injuries
We are not from West Virginia nor have we lived there. I am from KENTUCKY – born and raised here. My wife is from INDIANA. We have lived in three other states and have NEVER sued or filed any type of law suit against those school districts.
We did file a due process complaint against JCPS in 2015.
Brennan does NOT have any form of bone disease now and he did NOT when he was injured on 11/11/2014. Brennan does not take any medication that causes “bone density issues”. At least three medical doctors, including his orthopedic surgeon, assert that Brennan does not have any bone disease.
The only issues that Brennan has with his bones now are the fact that he has titanium rods in the center of each of his femurs that are held in place by set screws at each end of each femur. Brennan’s femurs were reamed out with a cordless drill to make the cavity large enough to insert the rods. Brennan will have to live with this medical hardware inside of his femurs for the rest of his life.
Brian & Kim Long