And are JCPS Administrators Complicit?
We zoomed in on “soon-to-be-ex-Coach” Donnie Stoner’s “wear pink for Donnie” arraignment today. I kid, but it did appear that Donnie’s father attended with him today along with another possible family member. The defendant and one of those men were both wearing pink polo shirts.
We had some audio difficulties so it took a little bit to put it all together, but I was able to splice together two different video sources, and three different sound captures to achieve the mashup you see below. I do hope you’ll watch it. Children are captive in our schools systems. They have no other choice but to be placed in harm’s way and then they are denied our support when something happens. That is unacceptable. We can’t allow those responsible for keeping our children safe to sweep crimes against children under the rug any longer.
But that’s what we’re doing. And it didn’t start with these two men. It also happened at this school in 2017 when a homophobic, racist principal was allowed to terrorize the children in the building and run his school like an organized crime ring. It also happened in 2019 when I accompanied a frightened and traumatized mom/teacher into Dr. Pollio’s office to inform him of urgent, felonious matters taking place at that school, and as far as we know, they did nothing. (LINKS AVAILABLE TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY.)
And now here we are.
More blind eyes have been turned. Meanwhile not one, but two, potentially predatory monsters have been lurking in the historic school’s marbled hallways. — A third if you count the white coach who supposedly solicited his students on Tinder. — We warned Superintendent Pollio about that coach in 2019 as part of that meeting above, but latest headcount shows that predatory man is still there, no doubt still preying on innocent children to feed his own sick mind while condoning with a passing nod what the football coach brothers had likely been rumored to have been doing and getting away with.
What other victims don’t we know about? It’s not either of the brothers’ first time, according to other self-described victims who have contacted me. One of their experiences goes back almost 20 years, when she was 15/16 and he was in his early 20s, working as her coach at a non-JCPS school. There are so many other examples, there isn’t room to detail them here without taking too much away from the exclusive content and coverage of THIS BREAKING AND DEVELOPING STORY. We’ll dig deeper into each of those examples later.
Watch the arraignment video above, read the documents and timeline I’ve put together below, and join us on September 13, 2023 at 9:30 AM for his first pretrial conference. His lawyer is slick and has already gotten the royal treatment for this accused pedophile, and he states that he is confident he’s going to get him off. It’s going to take all of us watching to make sure this 17-year old girl who lost her innocence to a man who is paid abusing our tax dollars who we entrust to educate and protect her to get justice.
Please support these efforts by becoming a supporting member of Dear JCPS Exclusives and making a donation. More original content focused on lifting up the voices of the whistleblowers in the largest public school district in the state of Kentucky will be released there first. We know that what we are covering will start to bring in national attention, so we want to make sure people are clear on how they can support us and not allow more knock-off astroturf groups to swoop in and scoop up resources meant to be left behind for Kentucky’s children. If you are a whistleblower who has experienced retaliation, retribution, harassment, discrimination, or degradation of reputation or earnings potential for blowing the whistle on waste, fraud and abuse, please email If you’re a witness to fraud, cover-ups, within Jefferson County Public Schools, we want to hear from you. You MAY remain anonymous. If you’re an attorney who cares more about truth and justice for children of Kentucky than you do about being compensated any time soon, and you’re not afraid of taking on powerful, corrupt, potentially dangerous people, please reach out. Now, back to our main story.
What do we know about these twin brothers, Ronnie and Donnie Stoner?

(Shown: Ronnie Stoner on left. Donnie Stoner on right.)
Ronnie and Donnie Stoner are twin brothers. They both work(ed) for Jefferson County Public Schools. And they are both accused of sexually abusing girls who were in their care, including the perpetrator’s own daughter in one case.
That daughter has twice been brave enough to come public with her own story of sexual abuse that began when she was 13, but it has been largely ignored. This abuse likely occurred simultaneously to another one at the same middle school, which was reported in 2022, even though they did not seem to know about each other at the time. Our conversations with people who know the Stoner family members say Ronnie was recently given three minutes to pack up his office at the middle school where he served as FRYSC and he wound up (as assistant head coach by some accounts) with his brother at Manual. The head coach’s son, Tyree, also played for the team. Hey, as long as we’re winning, am I right?
In addition to this timeline, here’s what we know so far…
Ronnie has the most accusations against him. We’re aware of as many as three or four who have come forward. He was the FRYSC at Newburg Middle School when he was suddenly transferred to Manual High School. This isn’t the first time Manual has been known for sweeping criminal allegations under the rug, presumably to protect the district’s flagship school’s reputation.
So far, Donnie is accused of sexual abuse of two underage girls, the first incident happening more than 20 years ago, when both Stoner brothers worked at Evangel Christian.
During her high school years, Donnie pretended to be the first teen’s “boyfriend.” Both men reportedly ended up leaving that school when rumors started circulating and they wound up at Fern Creek in JCPS.
One victim told me, “He’s not even going to jail. His bond was $5,000 and it’s already been paid.”
I was fortunate to interview three of the twin brothers’ (alleged) previous victims and the mother of a fourth, the most recent victim, who is still a minor. I will post segments from the interview as soon as they are ready.
I did an open records request and below are the responses I received (and the dates I received them):
Donnie Stoner Documents
Email exchanges with media regarding suspension of Donnie (7/28/23)
Donnie Stoner “Documentation” (Personnel File – First receipt only 7 pages) (Received 7/28/23)
Received after district sent follow up email on 8/2/23, stating “It has come to our attention that the records previously produced in response to your request for Donnie Stoner’s personnel records were incomplete. Please see attached for a supplemental record production.”