Submit Your Open Letter to Jefferson County Public School District Board and Administrators
The Anti-JCPS Task Force met for the first time on Monday, July 15, 2024. I call it that because of who the lawmakers, leaders and LRC have chosen to serve on it. It reminds me of the Board of Education that newly elected governor Matt Bevin appointed the minute he got into office by dismantling the current one illegally and unethically and replacing them all, including the commissioner, with people who wanted public education dead. Literally, they were that bad. And in 2019, our own Democratic US Congressman, Morgan McGarvey, played a role in the conspiracy to confirm the worst of them.
Now, not all of the members chosen to serve on the task force are bad, but I can tell you from personal experience, more than half of them cannot be trusted with our tax dollars or our children. That means that no matter how strongly the rest of the task force objects, they will always be in the minority, and our community’s concerns are likely to be disregarded and disrespected. That concerns me greatly.
In case you didn’t have time to watch Monday, here is a recorded video of the meeting, for the archives:
I posted about the War on JCPS prior to the task force committee application deadline and even made a 5-minute video for people to watch to see what was promised and what was still to be delivered, urging a diverse range of people to apply:
In addition, I put my money where my mouth was. I didn’t want to risk taking any seats from parents or teachers, so when I discovered that I qualified for the “business member” slot of the task force, I decided to apply. With a 30+ year business marketing background, large and small, local and national, I would argue that I am as qualified, if not more, than the person they chose. But there is no denying the fact that the already lopsided anti-public education task force did not need another “school choice” advocate, and especially not one who stands to benefit should the GOP agenda to divide and conquer JCPS succeed and the Constitutional Amendment pass in November. I would have added a voice of advocacy for hundreds if not thousands of JCPS stakeholders who have come to me over the past decade when their union or parent organization was nowhere to be found — or worse, actively silencing them. I promised to make my letter of intent public after the task force was announced, so I did that here. LRC refused to release the names of the other applicants, but I did hear from several other applicants who feel that they, too, would have brought a perspective missing from those chosen. This whole charade feels like “taxation without representation,” especially if it turns out the mostly white, male, GOP dominated task force’s decisions wind up usurping the authority of our duly elected school board.
And don’t ignore the fact that one of the unspoken intentions behind this fast-track task-force (say that three times fast) could be to “reset” past events, bury evidence, and make it impossible to hold those responsible accountable, especially as we discover the criminal behavior goes pretty high up, on both sides of the aisle, and ESPECIALLY AS WE HEAD INTO ANOTHER CRITICAL ELECTION FOR OUR COUNTRY AND FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION. Any major restructuring of JCPS would make it practically impossible to determine who should be removed from their positions, which would only allow their nefarious and criminal behaviors to continue unabated. We cannot allow that to happen!
Please sign up for our email alerts to learn how you can help #StopProject2025inKY and make a pledge now to Vote No on Constitutional Amendment 2 in November.
Get ready for the blowback when they find out we’re having a candidate interest meeting on Wednesday afternoon. Exact time and location will be sent via email to those who complete our contact form. In the mean time, please read some insider tips on how to file for one of the four open JCPS seats, as well as one in Anchorage, and enjoy a little tea on me. If you want more of that delicious, righteous-tasting tea, look for another related story at the end of this one. We need people who Not only will those who step up to run for JCPS School Board be running for our kids’ futures, they’ll be running for their lives. All of our lives. This situation is dire. June 4 is the deadline to file for school board or as an independent. Please contact us if you wish to know more. You can’t win if you don’t enter. What do you have to lose?
Run for JCPS School Board
Sorry for the duplication of the first few blocks in the page. There’s an error with the editor and I will have to look into it next week. If it sounds familiar, skim on down until you get to the map. Please consider throwing your hat into the ring. For the kids.
Members, if this is not reflective of your views on how members who advocate and speak the truth should be treated, you should let your objections be heard. LOUDLY and IMMEDIATELY!
So, here is the revealing audio recording from our meeting with Morgan McGarvey for Congress before Gary Houchens, a known charter school predator, was confirmed to the KY Department of Education on the FINAL DAY of session in 2019. We had a chance to stop it, but we failed to stop it by one vote.
Funny how my story has been consistent for years. And JCTA Leaders keep showing us who they are. Damn, this is kryptonite all the way to the end! Listen to me ask this man how I can help him whip the votes of the senate (his job) to try to stop this resolution from passing. Lol. I’m just a PTA mom. This was five years ago. He tells me to reach out to rural republican senators who have been sympathetic to public education, so I do.
Sadly, the resolution we needed Senators to stop only passed by one vote. A JCTA endorsed senator from Jefferson County, the one and only, mamma traitor, Senator JULIE RAQUE ADAMS, left her seat to make a call to find out what to do and came back in and did us dirty. She could have been the deciding “no” vote. But instead you can see her panic. Working the room, begging to swap votes with her colleagues, so she can come out smelling like a rose.
Why did she betray us? Who did she talk to that day? Who is calling all the shots? Was it Mitch? Trump? Bevin? McKim? McGarvey? Taxpayers deserve to know. People need to go to jail for what these leaders have conspired to do. Why have they done it? Because our schools don’t look like their grandkid’s private and rural schools? How horrible.
Now, lemme go dig up that video. Please listen and share. Make these co-conspirators go viral. They don’t want a scandal because a lot of them are compromised and up for reelection. Who do you report these crimes to when law enforcement and media are complicit or worse, in on it?
NOTE, this is part of an ongoing independent audit of JCPS. A first draft timeline of events, including this one, can be found here:
Contact: (502) 565-8397
Email: dearjcps@proton.me
Date: March 8, 2024
LOUISVILLE, KY — These are just some of the patterns and practices that are evidenced in a new “Preliminary Audit” of JCPS that is currently being compiled by Dear JCPS, LLC. Not long ago, we reached out to the state auditor’s office to ask for their consideration in allowing us to provide preliminary input into an all-but-guaranteed $1.5 Million Dollar audit of Louisville’s mostly non-white school district. An undefeatable quorum of GOP lawmakers have already budgeted the Midas pot during this current legislative session, which ends at midnight on April 15, 2024, no doubt for their own powerbrokers to funnel back into their campaign coffers. It’s apparently one of the oldest tricks in Kentucky’s legislature, going all the way back to their “BOPTROT” racketeering days.
In addition to keeping the state auditor’s office apprised of current events, we are in the process of streamlining and compiling more than a decade worth of prior events that we feel clearly demonstrate pattern after pattern of waste, fraud and abuse for their review. This mountain of evidence includes numerous coverups that have been orchestrated by bad actors exploiting flawed processes, quickly followed by secret settlements as payoffs, resulting in fewer tax dollars for our students. Meanwhile, leaders turn a blind eye while our kids are permanently and irreparably delayed, harmed and wounded, some mortally, as a result of political games of oneupmanship, set-ups involving compromising positions used to blackmail, retaliation, bullying and intimidation, preferential treatment and self-dealing. The worst part is, these offenders, some of them child sexual predators, are returned to school buildings, only to repeat the same offenses again and again. ON OUR DIME!
So, before our lawmakers approve spending any more of Kentuckians’ hard-earned tax dollars on a possible political witch hunt (because, let’s face it, that’s what this is for a lot of them), encourage them to first look at the changes our community has been demanding of our district leaders, and the evidence of patterns and practices of lies, waste, fraud, denial, cover-ups and abuse (and worse!) that JCPS taxpayers, parents, employees and community leaders have been met with in return.
This is YOUR audit. You’ve been with us along the way. We’ve also uncovered our own smoking guns by way of open records and confidential informants. Your stories may already be included. But if not, we will have several phases where community input is solicited, so we can make sure any related stories receive the state auditor’s attention, in addition to the mountains of evidence, recordings, witness testimonies (and even a few confessions), our volunteers have been collecting, researching and documenting for the past 12+ years.
Whether you want to submit your own experiences, or sign up to receive notifications as sections of the audit roll out, or you want to participate in the review and any next steps which will likely arise, completing the signup form on the next page is how we can make sure you get all of the updates.
BEST OF ALL, THIS PRELIMINARY AUDIT WON’T COST TAXPAYERS ONE DIME! We’ve already done the research. We just have to index, compile and present it, which we anticipate early May we will be ready for our first round of reviews. There are steps along the way, so sign up so you don’t miss a beat.
That’s what a jury will determine at the end of what is expected to be a two week trial in Federal Court as jury selection for ex-LMPD officer Brett Hankison’s trial begins today. Hankison was one of four LMPD officers whose actions were condemned by the DOJ in a scathing report after they murdered JCPS Graduate, Breonna Taylor, in a botched “no-knock” raid in 2020. Here’s what we’ve been able to find out so far. This story will be updated.
How did everyone’s second first day of school go? Be sure to complete our survey 2.0 so we can compare notes with what district leaders are telling everyone. Some of the results we complied from survey 1.0 can be found here. Those who provide their email address will receive a summary once it’s complete.
What’s really going on behind this latest catastrophe, and will we ever find out? What if it was sabotaged intentionally? Board Member Shull has called for an outside audit. We deserve one that we can trust and if there’s one thing we know in Louisville, Kentucky is that internal investigations cannot be trusted. At the end of the day, our children need to be kept safe and need to receive a quality education. What will it take for us to get to a place where anything else is an exception and not the rule? Normalize that.
Well, I promised you some stunning revelations, so here’s the first one. A recent spate of events involving reports of sexual abuse in our schools made me do some deeper digging into human trafficking. After all, Louisville, KY is a hub and Jefferson County Public Schools has access to nearly 100,000 innocent children as prey. It would be a dereliction of duty as guardians of the children in our community to dismiss this notion out of hand. We have to ask hard questions, and some of the questions asked by our members include:
Who can forget the 2017 incident with principal Jerry Mayes and his racist beratement of two students who tried to have a conversation with him about students who wanted to “take a knee” during the Manual/Male football game. Here are some of the testimonies of those who came forward during the investigation.
Speaking Out About Jerry Mayes, Manual Principal
But very few may have heard about the mom/teacher/mandatory reporter who reached out to Principal Farmer in May of 2019 about concerns students were involved in sex and drug trafficking on school property. Heck, even Dr. Pollio managed to avoid seeing her URGENT email concerning FELONIES involving STUDENTS on CAMPUS in his inbox for nearly six months.
A meeting in December of 2019 finally put a stop to that plausibly deniable excuse (more links to come). Most of these allegations have been deemed unsubstantiated, but given what we know from our own research, JCPS internal investigations often involve bias, retaliation and tampering with evidence when whistleblowers have come forward. Not to mention, there was a former Manual journalism professor who was found guilty of charges he possessed child pornography. But the most recent news involves not one, but two, brothers who are coaches at Manual High School, who are currently under investigation for sexual assault of students that appear to go back a decade. Given all of this, can we really trust the internal investigation’s findings?
And what about other coaches after a former JCPS coach, teacher was federally charged with seeking sex from minor after FBI sting earlier this year.
Or what about this former JCPS employee, coach indicted for multiple sex abuse charges involving teens?
What if there’s something much more sinister happening in Jefferson County Public Schools?
Isn’t it time the public gets serious about demanding an outside audit of internal investigations and secret settlements of the largest public schools system and one of the largest taxpayer funded employers in the state?
A JCPS Employee Was Accused of Having Sex With Students
Once you’re caught up on some of the past history of events at Manual, don’t miss the latest on the Stoner Twins including an EXCLUSIVELY OBTAINED police report showing the daughter of one of the twin brothers tried to file a report with LMPD, alleging three years of sexual abuse, when she was 17. We’ve also updated our Timeline of Events, and centralized the Investigation Reports into both brothers at the end of the article.
Dear JCPS strives to serve as an ally to those who want people to know the truth, but justifiably fear repercussions for doing so. More dots will continue to be connected throughout the weekend. Share your thoughts, experiences, clarifications or corrections at moderator@dearjcps.com.
Please help spread the word so this message gets seen by more folks while it’s still current. Thanks!
Watch the video below and then click the link to read the full story. Enjoy!
Join us on Wednesday, July 26 at 10:15 am as we show up IN PERSON and ON ZOOM to support Dr. Kimberly Mucker-Johnson during her hearing in Civil Court Division 6 to overturn a settlement agreement she made with JCPS in 2022. Sign up to receive our emails using the form below and we will email you a link with a reminder and updates. Watch the video to learn more.
Do you have something you’d like to blow the whistle on but don’t know where else to turn? Send an email to moderator@dearjcps.com with a link to your testimonials, evidence or anything else you’d like the public to know that qualifies for whistleblower protection, such as exposing waste, fraud and abuse.
By using this service, you agree to hold Dear JCPS, its entities or assigns, harmless for any consequences that may come out as a result of this information being made public. You also testify that you’ve followed all applicable laws and that you’ve consulted legal counsel if these records are sensitive or private in nature, as we are unable to provide anything of the sort.
We just want people who do bad things using taxpayer dollars or public trust to first be stopped and then held accountable, to have corrections made to the system and repairs made to those who were harmed. The only way we can ever hope to do that is to make sure the public knows what really happened and how our tax dollars are spent.
If you know of any significant examples of waste, fraud and abuse in JCPS, please report it publicly, to proper authorities, and the media. If you feel you have exhausted all of these avenues, but you have reason or evidence to prove the story has been covered up, people have been retaliated against, denied employment or promotion or otherwise discriminated against or harassed, we would like to hear from you. If you have been silenced due to a settlement with JCPS, we also want to hear from you. If you are an attorney interested in providing counsel in this area, please reach out. We would like to make some introductions.
This site is run by a volunteer. There is much more evidence and stories waiting to be told, including yours! I could use some help in order to speed things up, so if you’re technically inclined or have good social skills and want to put them to good use, please contact me at moderator@dearjcps.com. Donations also gratefully accepted at our PAC, Justice for the People. Please help us rid Kentucky of Daniel Cameron and get Mitch McConnell’s knee off our necks. Thank you for your understanding, patience and support.